Goals are Good But Habits Will Take You Further

We may not think about our habits often. Unlike goals, habits are not a one-time affair. We never "achieve" a habit. We can only strengthen it. By cultivating the right habits and routines, we will accomplish more in the long run.

You Are What You Think: Being Resilient Does Not Require Being Right

When we experience a bad event, we ask ourselves why. Why did it happen? Why am I experiencing this? How we explain negative experiences to ourselves strongly influences whether our response is resilience or resignation. Optimism, not accuracy, is essential for resilience.

Forget About Priorities—Choose Your Priority Instead

Are you concerned about setting priorities? It may surprise you to learn that the concept of priorities (plural) has been around for less than 100 years. Before that, life was simpler—there was only a singular priority.

Keystone Habits—Change a Little to Change a Lot

Wouldn’t it be great if you could focus on one or two simple behaviors that would lead to increased productivity, morale, and team spirit? You can, if you find the right behaviors to work on—keystone habits.

Crossing the Rubicon

We cross a point of no return when we decide to take specific action towards achieving a goal. Until we are definitely committed to action, the danger is great that our goal will remain an armchair adventure.

Don’t miss a beat

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