Goals are Good But Habits Will Take You Further

We may not think about our habits often. Unlike goals, habits are not a one-time affair. We never "achieve" a habit. We can only strengthen it. By cultivating the right habits and routines, we will accomplish more in the long run.

Crossing the Rubicon

We cross a point of no return when we decide to take specific action towards achieving a goal. Until we are definitely committed to action, the danger is great that our goal will remain an armchair adventure.

Bright lines

The new year means new opportunities, experiences and... new goals. But the goals we set in January are often long-forgotten by July. Or worse, they hang around our neck like an albatross reminding us of our inaction. Bright lines can make the difference between success and failure.

Setting Goals? Get an Attitude!

Have you set personal and professional goals for the year? If so, I bet you've made sure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Bound). But do you have the right attitude to achieve them?

Don’t miss a beat

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