• Learning to Have a Difficult Conversation

    Tom Truly is project manager on a project that has recently missed a deadline and lost a key customer. Sarah, the project sponsor, has called a meeting with Tom to discuss progress. She has been under pressure from senior management to “fix” the high-visibility project. Sarah is angry that Tom didn’t inform her in advance about the project issues. Every time she asked Tom how things were going, he answered: “Tip top!”

  • Shake, Rattle and Roll—Volatility Will Make Your Team Stronger

    Volatility, uncertainty and error lead to unpredictable outcomes. This can be a major cause of stress. But volatility will help you if you have options that allow you to profit from the upside without bearing a large cost from the downside.

  • The Positivity Tipping Point

    Do you know your positivity ratio? That’s the ratio of positive emotions to negative emotions you experience over time. Research shows that people who experience at least three times as many positive emotions as negative emotions are more likely to flourish.

  • Active Constructive Responding

    How do you respond when someone tells you about something good that happened to them? Do you say “That’s great, congratulations!” while hurrying to your next meeting? If so, you are missing opportunities to build your relationships.

  • On Gifts and Giving

    According to Wharton Professor Adam Grant, givers often finish first. Grant’s research shows how givers—people who do more for others than they expect in return—rise in organizations.

Don’t miss a beat

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Brain-Based Practices for Leaders

Sieben Führungs­praktiken, die funktio­nie­ren. Mark Milotich analysiert welche Maßnahmen warum funktionieren und wie sie für den persönlichen und beruflichen Erfolg genutzt werden können.

Hier Ihre kostenlose Kopie herunterladen.

Chock full of the latest brain science to explain not just what you should do to be a great leader & manager but importantly—WHY.

Well thought out and researched, brilliantly structured and with great and positive advice.

Great read, direct and to the point. No fluff. Great for reference.

  • The Message Is Clear

    Emails can be sent across the world in a matter of seconds but that doesn’t mean effective messages take no time at all. To deliver results with offshore team members, project managers must actively work at understanding how their own background influences their methods and behavior.

  • Dissonance, Decision-Making, and Relationships

    The motivation to reduce cognitive dissonance drives much of our irrational behavior. We choose to deceive ourselves rather than admit we were wrong. Being able to recognize when we are in a state of dissonance can help us make better decisions and improve our relationships.

  • The Language of Leaders

    The language of leaders is we. Psychologist James Pennebaker shows how little words like "I", "we", and "the" reveal much about our relationships, honesty, and social status. The results are not what you might expect!

  • FUD Busters: Reducing fear, uncertainty, and doubt at work

    Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. The triple forces of FUD can unleash emotional turmoil that leads us to make poor decisions, hampers our productivity, and wrecks our health. FUD busters are brave leaders who set out to reduce fear, uncertainty, and doubt at work.

  • Dropping Your Tools: Letting Go of Non-Productive Habits

    Having the right tools in our toolbox dramatically increases our chance of success. However, relying on the same tool all the time will hinder performance. As the saying goes: "If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."

  • Put Your Signature Strengths To Work

    What are you exceptionally good at? What do you love doing so much that you lose track of time when doing it? Chances are, your answers to these questions reveal what psychologists call your “signature strengths.” Learning how to use your signature strengths at work can mean the difference between success and failure—between flourishing and burnout.

  • The Power Pose

    Does your body language have an impact on whether you close the sale or get the job offer? You bet it does. And in ways that might surprise you.

  • The Message Is Clear

    Emails can be sent across the world in a matter of seconds but that doesn’t mean effective messages take no time at all. To deliver results with offshore team members, project managers must actively work at understanding how their own background influences their methods and behavior.

  • Dissonance, Decision-Making, and Relationships

    The motivation to reduce cognitive dissonance drives much of our irrational behavior. We choose to deceive ourselves rather than admit we were wrong. Being able to recognize when we are in a state of dissonance can help us make better decisions and improve our relationships.

  • The Language of Leaders

    The language of leaders is we. Psychologist James Pennebaker shows how little words like "I", "we", and "the" reveal much about our relationships, honesty, and social status. The results are not what you might expect!

  • FUD Busters: Reducing fear, uncertainty, and doubt at work

    Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. The triple forces of FUD can unleash emotional turmoil that leads us to make poor decisions, hampers our productivity, and wrecks our health. FUD busters are brave leaders who set out to reduce fear, uncertainty, and doubt at work.

  • Dropping Your Tools: Letting Go of Non-Productive Habits

    Having the right tools in our toolbox dramatically increases our chance of success. However, relying on the same tool all the time will hinder performance. As the saying goes: "If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."