• Woman running hurdles

The illusion of effortlessness

We like performance that looks effortless. Truth is that top performers work hard. They’ve evaluated more business plans, played more scales, sunk more layups, or painted more canvases than the rest of us. They’ve honed their skills through intentional learning and deliberate practice.

Why Reflection Is Important

Reflection can help us improve performance through learning while at the same time increasing our sense of well-being. Reflection allows us to appreciate positive experiences. From schoolrooms to boardrooms, reflection is essential for learning, helping us to give meaning to our experience, learn from mistakes and increase purpose-driven action.

Learning to Have a Difficult Conversation

Tom Truly is project manager on a project that has recently missed a deadline and lost a key customer. Sarah, the project sponsor, has called a meeting with Tom to discuss progress. She has been under pressure from senior management to “fix” the high-visibility project. Sarah is angry that Tom didn’t inform her in advance about the project issues. Every time she asked Tom how things were going, he answered: “Tip top!”

Don’t miss a beat

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