FUD Busters: Reducing fear, uncertainty, and doubt at work

Fear. Uncertainty. Doubt. The triple forces of FUD can unleash emotional turmoil that leads us to make poor decisions, hampers our productivity, and wrecks our health. FUD busters are brave leaders who set out to reduce fear, uncertainty, and doubt at work.

Dropping Your Tools: Letting Go of Non-Productive Habits

Having the right tools in our toolbox dramatically increases our chance of success. However, relying on the same tool all the time will hinder performance. As the saying goes: "If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."

The (Ugly) Truth about Feedback

Why are we allergic to feedback? Because we often perceive feedback as (well-intentioned) criticism, which triggers the same kind of response in the brain as physical pain.

Give Your Self-Control a Boost

Self-control—the ability to delay gratification, concentrate on a task, resist a temptation, or control emotions—is key to success at work and in life. The good news is that we can improve our willpower.

The Importance of First Line Leaders

First line leaders are the brave people on the front lines of organizational leadership. They are called upon day in and day out to lead a team.

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